Thursday 5 May 2011

Captain Cook woz ere 1770

We very much enjoyed our time at Bargara Beach. We ended up spending 4 nights there. The water was fantastic and there was just the right amount of surf. It was a very safe swimming beach. Even Lara got the hang of the body board. We walked into town most days. Lara discovered the book shop and the kids discovered the bakery. We bought a number of tasty treats.

Man and his machine - Leaving Bargara Beach
When we were back in Mooloolaba, Hannah found herself a book of Australian birds. Since then, both her and the other kids have been identifying all the birds that they come accross. She was overjoyed when some campers near us at Bargara had a couple of parrots with them. 

A couple of friendly birds at Bargara Beach
 We left Bargara on Tuesday - After an icy-pole (with Nana's money - It still hasn't run out) and a quick shop (with our money - It's almost run out), we were on our way. We stopped in Bundaberg and filled up with gas and then we were away. The road to 1770 is not fabulous. It is quite bumpy, with a number of decent hills. We ended up getting here after dark. We didn't come here on our last trip and I had always wanted to have a look. It is a magnificent place. The caravan park occupies absolute beach front. It is on an inlet and so the water is very calm. The tide goes out a long way each day and the ground is quite muddy. The slimy ground does take a little getting used to. 
Gracie worked hard collecting sticks

Gracie has taken to making her own jewellery - just add sticky tape

The weather here so far has been superb. We swam yesterday and today. While the little kids weren't in for too long, Hannah and Charlie were in for ages. I lost the DONKEY skim ball challenge today. Charlie pipped me at the post which was quite humbling. A few technical errors and it was all over. I'm pretty confident I'll snatch the title back tomorrow.

Gracie trying out the diving kit she got from Leo for her birthday

We had a walk into town yesterday. 1770 doesn't have much in the way of a township. There are plenty of houses but the main shopping area is in Agnes Waters, which is about 5 or so km's away. We opted for the stroll along the beach to the local park.

Walking along the beach near the caravan park

Charlie and William having some time out - They were directed to resolve their differences

Yesterday (Wednesday), William decided that it was time that he tried out his new fishing rod. So we found a good little spot and I imparted all my fishing knowledge to the kids. That took roughly 17 seconds. After that, I was making it up as I went. Nobody was severely injured and we ended up brining home the rod in one piece. It did, however, require some untangling. While we didn't catch anything yesterday we did get a few nibbles. We had another go this morning off the sand. Within about 1 minute, Charlie had pulled in a little fish of some description. I took control of the situation. I removed the fish from the hook (eventually) and we tossed it back. We were all delighted to have actually caught our very first fish. Despite many subsequent nibbles we didn't land any more on the beach. Hannah did get dangerously close.

Dad is a very knowledgable fisherman - Full of handy instructions for the kids
William having his very first turn of the fishing rod he got for Christmas
William tries his luck - He got a few nibbles

Hannah almost landed one - It jumped off at the last moment

Gracie getting into the spirit

We went on rather a large walk this morning. We walked up the hill to the headland and saw where Captain Cook and Joseph Banks anchored in 1770. It was fascinating to see the monument and read some of the history. The kids did really well as the sun was hot and there were lots of hills. Following this outing it was home for a swim and a lazy afternoon.

The Captain Cook monument 

Morning tea overlooking Bustard Bay - The place where Captain Cook landed

The butterfly landed on Hannah on the headland walk

Later in the day today we fired up the fishing rod again. It was low tide and Charlie, Hannah and myself fished off a little rock near the caravan park. Again, a few nibbles, but nothing to show for it. Despite this, enthusiasm remained high and Charlie ended up fishing until after the sun went down. It was a beautiful day here and the sunsets for the last two nights have been amazing.

Charlie perfects his cast

Looking out to sea

Charlie & William fish together

Charlie the lone fisher boy remains on the beach

We are planning another couple of nights here before the rampant commercialism of the theme parks pull us in their direction. My suggestion of driving to Mackay instead was not met with the enthusiasm I had hoped for. I am hopelessly outnumbered. So the theme parks it is.


  1. So you were out voted! What a pity, does that mean you go no further North? and start meandering back?. And that the kids will not be able to see the Mackay Hospital were Lara was born and McGinn St, were she lived the first year of her life. Mm...., another day.

    I did not quite know were 1770 was so I went and had a look at Google Maps and I found this link to it for those who are like me and do not know also.,151.871223&sspn=0.096302,0.177841&rq=1&ev=zo&split=1&radius=6.73&hq=1770&hnear=&ll=-24.190136,151.871223&spn=0.096302,0.177841&z=13

    Hope it works!


  2. Loving your posts and the photos are stunning. The shot of the 4 kids at sunset is beautiful. Missing you all! Love to you all from the Dobsons!

  3. Love the pics. Worth a thousand words each! By the way Surrey Road is awash with Autumn leave...just in case you forgot what season it is with all that swimming. I bet all the local see you in the water and go "yep, their from Victoria." Miss you guys.

  4. your post has a wonderful, calm, dreamy feel to it Phil. These days are what memories are made of that's for sure. Great photo's of you all. I can't remember what hot feels like, it's freezing here! Blessings Kylie :) xo

  5. Hi Simpsons - you look like you are having such a wonderful time together .. doing so many fun things and visiting some pretty amazing places. Today it was the coldest morning in Melb for this year ...aaaahhhhhhh. Don't rush back .. enjoy the warmth. Safe travels love from the Winters

  6. Oh Phil, this all sounds absolutely divine! I have just stumbled across the blog and spent ages devouring all your tales. The photos of the kids fishing are absolutely stunning, you should definitely have them framed.
    Hope everything continues to be a blast, Mark and I are pretty jealous of your wandering ways. Everytime I read something to Mark he says "yep, that's what we'll do one day".
    Love from Lauren, Mark and the very nearly not a baby bump any more.

  7. "Charlie and William having some time out - They were directed to resolve their differences."

    Is that kind of like a contest mention?
